Check out my fabulous new Blog:Zen Woman

So i have started a new business, yey for me!

It is a combination of fitness, esoteric practise (meditation etc…), art therapy and life coaching with a few other random bits along the way!

It is alll aimed around bringing old, ancient practise and new, more scientific practise together to create the most positive, most abundant, happiest lives we possibly can.  So have a look, join my community and become a Zen Woman with me.

(or man, practises are mostly aimed at women but men can use some of the content too)

Zen Woman Blocg…click here!


The patience that comes with old age…or is it complacency???

I was at the house of a local elderly lady this week, cleaning and providing company and as I was watching her prepare her breakfast I was suddenly struck with how patient and slowly she performs her routine.
I will just add here, its a lady I have known since being a child, almost like an adopted nanna to me now, hence the going round to help her out once a week.

Anyway, I was watching as she slowly laid the table, popped out the pills, even took the effort to close up every pill pack and ensure the leaflet goes back in each pack, the way she slowly spreads the peanut butter on the bread, so even, so surely, so precise. I took in the fact that she always gets out a saucer for the tea cups, always place mats for every item on the table. No corners are cut, nothing is rushed and I got to thinking…

How is it the elderly are so patient? How is it that those of us with the least time left are able to comfortably take the most time to do the most menial tasks? How are they so calm about the use of time?


What do they understand that we ‘youngsters’ don’t? Is it that they lose the drive to do all the things I simply can’t stop thinking about doing? do they not have so many things to read, learn, experience? Or is it simply that they have learned to appreciate the small things, take joy in the every day tasks which the younger generations rush through looking for more exciting time fillers?

Will I one day awaken to find joy in the preparation of setting the table for breakfast?

It seems surreal, how I could ever be so content with the passage of time. For me each day is carefully planned, there are so many things I feel I need to learn, so many experiences to partake in and to plan for. I am terrified of wasting my time here, of running out, of not making the most of every second, but is this terror causing me to rush through my life? Am I missing the joys of the small things in life by rushing on to the rest? Is the very thing driving me to live more causing me to actually experience less of the life I am living?

Is this the same with everyone?

Should we be consciously making more effort to actively live in every moment, to partake completely in every task, every routine of the day? Or is it that we should make more effort to remember our vigour as we age, not to let ourselves be placated with the comfort of routine???

That darkness we call depression

Almost all of us will, at some point in our lives, experience depression. The darkness within, the uncompromising bleakness and often unexplainable feelings of failure, hopelessness and emptiness. But how many of us admit it? How often do we bottle it all up, mentally reprimanding ourselves for being stupid, telling ourselves were being ungrateful, ridiculous, weak, self pitying..?? The list goes on.

A list of self abusive words, taunts. A list of negatives which will only enforce the darkness and give the depressive part of our psyche even more to focus on and hold on to, giving it a firmer hold on our overall well-being.

Its ironic the wording we use to try to snap out of it are often the very words forcing us deeper in and why? If a friend was feeling depressed, would you use those words of advice to them?? The answer is no, because quite frankly, they are wrong! We are not weak for feeling, we are not ungrateful or self pitying for occasionally getting snowed under by life’s less savoury moments!

As long as we are trying, a long as we are fighting the internal battle we are not weak, we are strong! We are fighting day after day for something most people take for granted, going about our days when even the smallest task can feel like a struggle, every encounter with others feels like a trial, pretending everything is fine whilst secretly feeling so envious of their apparent ease at happiness. If only we opened up and talked…really talked!


Most of us have had or regularly have depressive episodes, if we talked to each other more not only would it help to know you are not alone, often the most surprising people will admit to feeling the same, but also just letting it out, hearing it all said out-loud and discussed as a real problem as opposed to just going round and round the same stale old thoughts in your head, trying to convince yourself your not feeling it, can really help give you some perspective.

Of course there are also other things we can do to help ourselves. Personally I have a list of things which help. Some are instantaneous little pick me ups like singing as loud as you can in the shower, surrounding yourself with your happiest, silliest friends and just allowing yourself to forget and laugh, putting on your favourite comedy series or film. I swear The Big Bang Theory, Cougar Town, Mike and Molly and celebrity juice are sanity savers for me!

There are also more longer term activities we can partake in to improve mental well-being. Exercise for starters. Whether its a full on workout or just some yoga or a walk, the benefits are enormous. Not only does this increase happy hormones in the body, but it tires us out leaving less energy for agitation and aggression. We will often sleep better as mind and body are feeling satiated. Of course a good diet is also key here, junk food actually contributes to the release of hormones which will counterbalance the positives brought on by exercise and makes us feel lethargic and bloated.

Another beneficial habit is meditation, learning to let go and just be at one with yourself. Learning to relax and allow the universe to just be, accepting you are a part of a great vastness and allowing yourself to be lost in this. Getting a break from the mental chatter for a while and again aiding in sleeping.

Reading a good book is often beneficial. I find a good book helps put my life into perspective for a variety of reasons, depending on the book your reading. For instance reading a horror will not only distract you by taking you to a whole new place and adventure but also make you feel it could be worse…You are not in fact being stalked by the rabid dog Cujo or being chased by some sort of fog or mist which is turning people into zombies. Reading chick flicks can also be helpful as they are often emotional but your heroines always find happiness in the end, the autobiographies are great for really showing you how everyone suffers, again your not alone.
Then there are the little things, things unique to you which bring hope in your downtimes, light in the darkness and a smile to the saddest days. For me these are things like, tarot cards, getting creative making something, whether cakes, woodwork, paintings…anything, keeping a journal making sure to note good and bad feelings as well as things your grateful for, things you wish for in the future and short term goals which will help gain those wishes.

Lastly, charity. OK so I don’t mean you have to go to a third world country and build a well for thirsty children (although if that floats your boat…why not!), what I mean is doing something for someone else. Being responsible for someone else’s smile is incredible rewarding and not only that but if you believe in karma… This could be something simple like calling or writing to your Mum, Aunt, Grandma, someone who you know will be thrilled just to hear from you, your words brighten their day. You may want to bake or make something for someone, offer to babysit to give someone a break, picking up some of the extra workload from a stressed colleague or even just smiling at strangers in the street.
So to sum it all up… You are not alone, this isn’t a solo fight. Your friends and family are there to help as long as you are helping yourself and giving back as well as receiving! Keep your chin up and one day you will look back on this battle and realize you won, and you can win again if and when that dark old enemy shows its ugly face again.

Sunny skies = More than just a sunny day! It means smily faces, positive moods and happy vibes!


Realizing today just how important those rays of sunshine really are when it comes to creating a positive outlook.  It would be lovely to say we weren’t so easily effected by something so…so…seasonal!   Buts as its becoming obvious, the sun really does make life seam brighter, happier and more…um…liveable!

Of course we are all effected on different levels and although i always knew i loved the sun, i didn’t realize until this year just how much i hate the lack of it.  I’m finding it much harder to be positive lately with the poor weather, apart from today that is when i awake to clear skies and bright, beautiful light streaming in through my windows.

The sort of light that actually brightens not only your visuals but sounds, feelings, thoughts…Literally everything grows in vibrancy.  Today, i can see shall be a positive day!

Yes i still have all the same worries i had yesterday and I’m sure they will be there still tomorrow, but for now i am able to see the light in this day, to see all the positive things i have and am.  🙂

A sign from the gods?? … Maybe if i were the religious sort.


Another bootcamp cover planned yesterday, unfortunately it had been raining all night long and was raining right up until i got to the location and this, i assume, is what put everyone off.  In short, it was a no show.

Knowing i had a couple of hours to kill before doing my one on one training with a lady on the way home, i sat on the rocks and took in the view.  Lovely beach, watching the grandeur of the sea, relentless waves crashing into the almost deserted shore, it was pretty.  After a while contemplating like this i decided to walk across the beach before leaving, really take it all in.

As i casually strolled along the shore, something in the beauty of the scene really caught me and had me riveted to the spot, the context of the scene, the textures, composition and colors were simply enchanting!  I must have stood there for a whole 10 minutes just taking it all in and contemplating.

The sky above was clear blue and vast, with clouds on the horizon over the sea, soaking up and diffusing the warm glow of the now rising sun making them appear in soft hues of pink and peach.

The sea was choppy creating a rough texture which perfectly contrasted the sand directly from it which still had a fine layer of water covering the flat surface creating a mirror effect which reflected the sky and every now and then waves would caress the surface once more, somehow making intricate almost geometric patterns in the sand as the angles of the beach made the waves come from all directions.

There was a fine mist over by the cliffs, rising and dissipating into the clear skies and the sounds of the sea, birds and wind as it gently swished around the bay was so calming.

The whole scene was very thought provoking.  There’s something about being in such natural grandeur that makes you think about how insignificant our little fears and stresses really are, how we are but a small speck of life in the vastness of mother nature and that in itself is a blessing to be appreciated without expectation of perfection.

Life is a gift and it is what you have made it.  It will not, and should not be perfect, but you can choose moan and whine about it until your blue in the face or you can stop and appreciate the beauty of it.  You can take in every brilliant detail encasing you in this world and THEN think about whether your problems are really as bad as you have been thinking.  Whatever happens, you will always have these moments, don’t let them pass you by.  Don’t dismiss them as nothingness or background, take in every moments beauty and store those memories, those are what are worth taking to the grave, not the memories of worry and stress, which will incidentally only help you get to the grave much sooner!

Anyway as i was walking back to my car another occurrence took place, i was nearing the end of the beach and the sun suddenly rose above the hills behind me and shone out to sea, strong and vibrant!  It lit up all the greenery on the cliff face in such vibrancy and lit up the waters edge so fiercely i was, again, stopped in my tracks as i took in the scene.  It was so magical, especially after such a rainy, murky day.

As i reached my car, packed up my stuff and looked up to pull out of the carpark, the strangest thing happened…The brilliance had gone!  The cloud was now again thick and heavy, full of he promise of rain and looking very dull i might add.  I couldn’t believe it, such stunning splendor one moment, then gone.  Not to be seen again and i was lucky enough not only to see it, but to be out in a place where i was able to truly take in and appreciate every last detail.

It was as if i had experienced a sign from the gods.  I feel truly blessed i was witness to it all and to think, if i hadn’t been up for the awfully early bootcamp, driven all that way, had nobody turn up…i would have missed it all!  I very nearly didn’t agree to do the bootcamp cover, with it being an hour from my house and the money barely covers my petrol.  But it just goes to show, sometimes something is worth the experience on so many levels, if you have time or can make time, go and do these things, convenience should not rule over experience!  Not if you truly want the most out of your life!

Like Attracts Like??? Or is it just the power of positive thinking?

Ever felt like your day just keeps getting worse and worse?  How all the little things are happening at once just to pee you off?  Everyone’s saying/doing things just to get your goat? …  Or, on the other scale, how everything sometimes just seams to be fitting into place, all the good news coming one after the other, life is picking up and you have no idea why or how?

Its strange when it happens and I’m still undecided as to what is the cause of this Like attracting like business.  Take today for instance.  After yesterday where i realized i was less financially stable even i had forseen, even taking into account the redundancy, i was worried about getting work.  It was on my mind but i decided no, I shall not stress, i will give it another few weeks as planned and focus on getting my new classes i was planning.

Anyway today.  I had an over 50’s fitness class this morning, which went great, good turnout so good profits, happy bunch and it went so quick!  I  was so hyped i decided to hit the gym on the way home.  I bashed out a very impressive workout, came home and made a lovely dinner, did some lesson plans much easier than usual (or so it seamed) and finally set off to Bodmin for a free Les Mills Masterclass.   The masterclass was intense but thoroughly enjoyable, i loved pushing myself to that level and had a brilliant karaoke session in my car on the drive home.

Upon arriving home, i found a delayed email from a gym i had interviewed at asking if i would do classes for them, turns out they had an issue with the opening time therefore it was delayed.

It really has seamed like a very positive day, through and through.  But it has got me to thinking…was it the day itself that was so fantastic? Or was it my take on this day??

What i mean is: was i only taking note of the positive things and suppressing the negative?  For instance, my tummy was bloated this morning after gorging at the cinema last night (cheat day) and this can be a massive downer.  But for some reason i noticed and moved on.  I had a slight negative conversation with the fella this morning before class via facebook, (hes in Afghan) but instead of over-thinking for the rest of the day on all the ‘hidden meanings’ as we women sometimes do, i let it go.  We ended the chat with the usual kisses and i just moved on with the day.

On the drive to the masterclass, not only were there issues with the petrol pumps, delaying me, but it seamed everyone was on the road driving super slow…there were slight moments of road rage but nothing drastic.  Finally the class was very hard, i was tired before beginning and kicked myself for working out that morning knowing i had something to come to that evening.

None of these catalysts wound me up into any sort of negative mood.  Was it because there were too many good things outweighing them? or was it just because my mood was, for some reason, super positive?

I know i am much happier as a person now I’m doing fitness than i ever was in the day job, but is that really enough to stop negative catalysts having impact?  Bringing me back to my original point, is it me or my circumstance that made the day so brilliant?

I’d like to hear your points of view, what do you think?  Do the fates decide how positive or negative our day will be?  Do we attract positive or negative to ourselves, or do we create it ourselves in our own minds?
